How To Create A Website

How to Create a Website with Cascading Style Sheets

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is the language used by your browser in interpreting how elements (or objects) inside your HTML document should look. If you have prior knowledge with Object Oriented Languages like C, the structure of CSS should look familiar to you. Cascading Style Sheets define how each part of your web page should look (like paragraphs, font styling, and even image maps). This is defined by the developer using a separate document, or it can be defined within the HTML document itself.

You might ask me, “how to create a website with CSS?” Essentially, web design can be done with pure HTML and without CSS, but this can be a chore with complex web pages—especially if you’re designing an image map which can link to multiple web pages. Without CSS, you’ll have to design each and every website with its unique style. Using CSS can simplify this process by designating an external style sheet which can be shared across multiple HTML documents. You can also use an inline style which defines the style you want to use in the tag encapsulating the content, or an internal style which is located inside the header of your web page and defines future style references in the content. Typically,  you’d want to use an external sheet for more organization, as well as giving your web pages the power to how to create a website share multiple style sheets.

A basic CSS definition looks like the following:


<p >Demonstration of CSS</p> <style>

H2{color: blue; font-family: Arial; font-size : 20 px;} </style>


<H2>Now everything inside here will use a blue Arial font which is 20 px in size if seen through a browser.</H2>

The example above contains an inline style, as well as an internal example of CSS in use. The <p style = “font-family: Times New Roman.”>  is an inline example of CSS which converts the encapsulated text into the said font.

The text between <style> and </style> will be interpreted by your browser as a CSS and will not be displayed in your browser. However, the information inside will be used every time the <H2> tag is used and converts all the encapsulated text into blue Arial font at size 20 px.

There are many potential uses for CSS, as well as other styles and attributes used in CSS that can’t be contained within one article. If you want more information on how to create a website with CSS, you’ll be better rewarded by reading more about CSS and HTML in online tutorials or by reading books dedicated to the subject.