How To Create A Website

How to Create a Website and Some Basic Points in Hyper Text Markup Language

Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML for short, is the most basic way of developing a how to create a website. It shouldn’t be confused with programming languages like C or C++. HTML contains the pure text file which is parsed (or in simpler terms, read) by your browser and interprets it accordingly. HTML is purely text, which means that other files like images, audio, video, PDF files, and other types of files are stored separately from the HTML code.

So, how to create a website using only HTML?  The first thing you’ll need is a text editor. Not word processing programs like MS Word or OpenOffice—you’ll need a pure text editor like Notepad. Text editors like Notepad save their text files without any formatting—an important point in creating HTML files. You’ll also need some basic knowledge of HTML—there are many online tutorials in the Internet that can provide you with the starting knowledge necessary for making HTML documents.

For starters, the first thing you need to know that HTML is primarily composed of content and tags. Tags are instructions to your browser—like how to create a website and display it correctly, as well as what images to load and text to display. For example:

<bold>This is an HTML tag.</bold>

Will tell your browser that the document contains HTML, and will read everything between the <bold> and </bold> as HTML instructions to make the text bold. Most tags need to be paired with a closing tag, like </boldl>. A closing tag tells the browser that it should stop applying a certain instruction to the document. In the example above, everything after the </bold> will no longer be classified as bold text. Other tags like <img> don’t need a closing tag, since it is only an instruction to load an image.

There are hundreds of HTML tags and coding practices, and if you want to pursue a serious career in web development, you can start by reading up the basic, and advanced, information about developing in HTML.